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*Rule of Law*
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Promotion of crime results in the seclusion of “Rule of Law” which traumatize the society and its justice system. The elegy from the Lips of “Rule of Law” can bring the tears in the eyes. These tears will be more than those tears which were caused by dangerous tear gases in the past if “Law Lovers” listen to this elegy carefully in the sad society situation.
The weeping, shivering and emaciated “Rule of Law” is sitting in the corner of society these days. Time has made the actual king “A Silent Observer” only. The “Rule of Law” is very weak and has no power to speak now. “Crime” is severely victimizing the “Rule of Law” every day.
Doleful appearance of “Rule of Law” is because of the lawlessness present in different societies. “Crime” wants the sad demise of “Rule of Law” and has ordered the Criminals “Don’t give food, water & medicine to the Rule of Law, he will beg mercy from me one day, and when he will beg mercy from me I will shoot him on the spot”. “Crime” shouted in the societies “Crime will Rule the world and Rule of Law will go in Hell”.
“Rule of Law” is still alive and bearing all the brutalities. He is hoping that one day people will accept the rule of the law by heart and by using their brain & “Crime will die here on the earth”. May be one day Rule of Law will be dominant and victorious. We pray for the health and safety of the Rule of Law in all the societies.
Long Live “Rule of Law”, Long Live “Rule of Law”
Listen to us Sir “Rule of Law”
You are the Super “Rule of Law”
We are with you “Rule of Law”
We will live with “Rule of Law”
We will only Follow “Rule of Law”
And will die for “Rule of Law”
Long Live “Rule of Law” , Long Live “Rule of Law”
(By: Jawad Syed)